Analytic Interviewing I:
Nonverbal Communication and Emotional Intelligence
4.25 Credit Hours $24
Train in the most advanced, scientifically proven interviewing technique ever developed. Exceptional criminal investigators and certified “Truth Wizards” use this nonconfrontational approach to successfully manage the interview process and detect deception almost 100% of the time. Watch one of the world’s leading criminal interviewers, interviewing instructor and “Truth Wizard” as she is videotaped during actual training with U.S. federal, state and local criminal investigators. This course starts with learning the rules of interviewing, emotional intelligence, and how to accurately read nonverbal cues and facial expressions. With the tools you have learned, you will be ready to move on to the next Module where you will train to read what a person truly thinks and feels, and how to manage the interview process. Skills with universal application in every day conversations.
· Learn how to apply the five rules of interviewing.
· Experience how to accurately interpret nonverbal cues.
· Develop and apply emotional intelligence skills.
· Unmask the face to reveal hidden emotions or expose deception.
Analytic Interviewing II: Social Intelligence and Micro-Expressions
4.5 Credit Hours $24
Prerequisite: Analytic Interviewing I
Apply the Module I training as you learn to perform important social intelligence skills essential to interviewing and in a variety of subconscious rapport building techniques. Additionally this course will train you to read micro-expressions lasting the blink of an eye and what to do when you see a micro-expression. Experience how exceptional interviewers manage the interview process. Training exercises show you how to practice the application of these skills during your own conversations with clients, co-workers, family, friends and even strangers. You will be captivated by a firsthand account of stories and historical events illustrating the application of these skills. Upon completion of this Module, you will be prepared with the skills used by "Truth Wizards" to detect deception almost 100% of the time.
· Learn how to apply the fundamentals for an interview.
· Identify the four inferences made using observation skills.
· Train to accurately read and utilize the seven universal micro-expressions.
· Become an engaged listen to take control of the interview.
· Learn how to apply responding skills to prevent contamination of the interview.
Analytic Interviewing III: Detecting Deception
Prerequisite: Analytic Interviewing II
Apply the previous Modules I as you learn to apply a powerful comprehensive asking questions block of instruction. Always have a question readily available during the interview. You will be amazed at the high-quality questions you ask pertinent to the interviewee's story. Psychotherapist studying Human Deception and Detection identified the relationship between truthfulness and deception and how the best criminal investigators manage this relationship. Learn how to detect and manage deception from a criminal interviewer capable of detecting all forms of deception almost 100% of the time.
· Learn questioning strategies that avoid mistakes in asking
· Learn a questioning strategy that helps you obtain detailed,
accurate, truthful information.
· Detect the verbal and nonverbal deception.
· Obtain verifiable facts without contaminating the interview.
· Manage deceptive and uncooperative behavior.
4.25 Credit Hours $39
Analytic Interviewing I, II & III Bundle
13 Hours Credit $75