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Managing Emotions: Yours and Theirs

1.5 Hours Credit $20

Stop at any time and resume at your convenience.

Prerequisite: None


Underlying cause of PTSD is CHRONIC and PROLONGED STRESS. Discover the most important and powerful coping skill you will ever develop to significantly reduce your stress. Learn how to use an expanded emotional vocabulary to manage your emotions and stress. Then learn how to manage the emotions of others, strengthen your relationships and prevent unintended consequences from emotionally charged decision-making. Stop suppressing your emotions and dramatically reduce your emotional baggage. Symptoms of CHRONIC AND PROLONGED STRESS include: alcohol abuse; prescription drug abuse; illegal drug abuse; consumerism; infidelity; domestic violence; divorce; estranged relationships; workplace violence; and, suicide. This is essential training for every police officer and their family.



· Practice developing your emotional vocabulary.

· Practice managing your emotions to enhance coping skills and

  reduce stress.

· Quickly manage the emotions of others.

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The Face Speaks Louder Than Words:
Let Microexpressions
Be Your Guide

1.0 Hours Credit $20

Used by the best interviewers in the world, microexpressions help guide their questioning strategies. Microexpressions are involuntary emotions on the face that last between 1/25th and 1/2 of a second. Learn how to read microexpressions lasting only 1/5th of a second. That is the blink of an eye.  Learn how identifying microexpressions will benefit all your interactions and strengthen your relationships, personal and professional.
Learn how to better identify emotions in the face.
Learn what microexpressions are actually revealing.
Train how to read emotional reactions lasting 1/5th of a second.
Learn what to do when you see a microexpression.

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Managing Confrontation and Interpersonal Problem-Solving

4.5 Hours Credit $35


Enhance your confidence and effectiveness when confronting others while strengthening relationships. Research tells us that confrontation is the weakest link in relationships and leadership. Keeping in mind that no matter how minor, every initiated contact is a form of confrontation. Experience why supportive feedback is significantly more effective than focusing on the "don'ts". When applied with the other skills taught in this course, these models have a reported 90% success rate in resolving interpersonal issues.



· Practice developing your emotional vocabulary.

· Evaluate four inferences when using observation skills.

· Learn why suspending judgment is a misnomer and how to practice becoming a more proficient engaged listener.

· Demonstrate questioning strategies that avoid mistakes in asking questions.

· Learn two models for providing consistent constructive and supportive feedback.

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Managing the Emotional and Social Health of Our Youth

12 Hours Credit $

Under construction. Online version of this course available soon!


Many of the issues facing young people, schools and communities are symptoms of the real problem impacting our society today. The real problem is underdeveloped emotional intelligence and social intelligence skills. Emotional and Social Intelligence skills have been on the decline in the U.S. for almost 100 years, accelerating to the downside over the last 30 years.

Learn how to think, speak and act like a leader to inspire others to follow. To model appropriate behavior and guide our Youth through life's journey.

It begins with reading other's body language and raising our own self-awareness. Train to manage our emotions and the emotions of others. And learn to accurately read the seven universal emotions in the face.

Train to accurately read micro-expressions,

Practice engaged listening and how to respond to what others are saying, feeling and doing. This course also

includes a comprehensive curriculum on asking questions to obtain detailed, accurate, truthful information

essential for quality decision-making.

Learn interpersonal models to effectively manage confrontation, positive feedback, managing belief systems, build subconscious rapport, enhancing trust and minimizing distrust, and applying transformational leadership.

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