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The Cognitive Interview


What you are about to experience is the most comprehensive and advanced version of The Cognitive Interview Protocol. Everything taught in The Cognitive Interview I, II, III and IV courses are scientifically supported in the fields of Cognitive Psychology and Counseling Psychology. This curriculum has been endorsed by renown Cognitive Interview expert and researcher

Dr. Ed Geiselman, co-founder of the Cognitive Interview.

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The Cognitive Interview I: Emotional Intelligence
and Microexpressions

3.50 Hours $19

The first course addresses the specific Emotional Intelligence and reading microexpression skills essential for proficiently performing a Cognitive Interview. You will have the opportunity to see these skills addressed by both Dr. Geiselman and Mary Daugherty as they are applied in The Cognitive Interview III & IV courses.

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The Cognitive Interview II: Social Intelligence and Asking Questions

3.50 Hours $19

This course continues to address the specific Social Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence skills and questioning strategies essential for proficiently performing a Cognitive Interview. You will have the opportunity to see these skills addressed by both Dr. Geiselman and Mary Daugherty as they are applied in The Cognitive Interview III & IV courses.

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The Cognitive Interview IV: Application for the Practitioner

4.50 Hours $49

The final course in the Series consist of retired Senior Special Agent Mary Daugherty

teaching the practical application of the Cognitive Interview Protocol. Mary’s presentation is supported by a series of training videos demonstrating each Step of the Cognitive Interview Protocol.. The latest update to the Cognitive Interview Protocol consist of the actual Cognitive Interview of a Police Officer shot during an ambush. Dr. Geiselman calls it the best Cognitive Interview he has ever seen.

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The Cognitive Interview III: The Science with
Dr. Geiselman

2.50 Hours $29

The third course addresses the science behind the Cognitive Interview Protocol and includes the only videotaped performance of renown Cognitive Interview expert and researcher

Dr. Ed Geiselman instructing The Cognitive Interview. Following the videotaping of Dr. Geiselman’s instruction before a live class of Law Enforcement investigators, Dr. Geiselman called his performance the best classroom presentation of his 40+ year career.  It was a great presentation.

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The Cognitive Interview
I, II, III and IV Bundle

14.0 Hours $99

Experience all four Courses and


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